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tableExport.js b6cf7d2d53 初始化 hace 4 años
tableExport.min.js b6cf7d2d53 初始化 hace 4 años



Export HTML Table to

  • CSV
  • DOC
  • JSON
  • PDF
  • PNG
  • SQL
  • TSV
  • TXT
  • XLS (Excel 2000 HTML format)
  • XLSX (Excel 2007 Office Open XML format)
  • XML (Excel 2003 XML Spreadsheet format)
  • XML (Raw xml)
  • Installation

    To save the generated export files on client side, include in your html code:

    <script type="text/javascript" src="libs/FileSaver/FileSaver.min.js"></script>

    To export the table in XLSX (Excel 2007+ XML Format) format, you need to include additionally:

    <script type="text/javascript" src="libs/js-xlsx/xlsx.core.min.js"></script>

    To export the table as a PDF file the following includes are required:

    <script type="text/javascript" src="libs/jsPDF/jspdf.min.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="libs/jsPDF-AutoTable/jspdf.plugin.autotable.js"></script>

    To export the table in PNG format, you need to include:

    <!-- For IE support include es6-promise before html2canvas -->
    <script type="text/javascript" src="libs/es6-promise/es6-promise.auto.min.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="libs/html2canvas/html2canvas.min.js"></script>

    Regardless of the desired format, finally include:

    <script type="text/javascript" src="tableExport.min.js"></script>

    Please keep this include order.


    Library Version
    jQuery >= 1.9.1
    es6-promise >= 4.2.4
    FileSaver >= 1.2.0
    html2canvas >= 0.5.0-beta4
    jsPDF 1.3.2 - 1.3.4
    jsPDF-AutoTable 2.0.14 or 2.0.17
    SheetJS >= 0.12.5


    // CSV format
    // Excel 2000 html format
    // XML Spreadsheet 2003 file format with multiple worksheet support
                            mso: {fileFormat:'xmlss',
                                  worksheetName: ['Table 1','Table 2', 'Table 3']}});
    // PDF export using jsPDF only
                               jspdf: {orientation: 'p',
                                       margins: {left:20, top:10},
                                       autotable: false}
    // PDF format using jsPDF and jsPDF Autotable 
                               jspdf: {orientation: 'l',
                                       format: 'a3',
                                       margins: {left:10, right:10, top:20, bottom:20},
                                       autotable: {styles: {fillColor: 'inherit', 
                                                            textColor: 'inherit'},
                                                   tableWidth: 'auto'}
    // PDF format with callback example
    function DoCellData(cell, row, col, data) {}
    function DoBeforeAutotable(table, headers, rows, AutotableSettings) {}
    $('table').tableExport({fileName: sFileName,
                            type: 'pdf',
                            jspdf: {format: 'bestfit',
                                    margins: {left:20, right:10, top:20, bottom:20},
                                    autotable: {styles: {overflow: 'linebreak'},
                                                tableWidth: 'wrap',
                                                tableExport: {onBeforeAutotable: DoBeforeAutotable,
                                                              onCellData: DoCellData}}}

    Options (Default settings)

    csvEnclosure: '"'
    csvSeparator: ','
    csvUseBOM: true
    date: html: 'dd/mm/yyyy'
    displayTableName: false  (Deprecated)
    escape: false  (Deprecated)
    exportHiddenCells: false
    fileName: 'tableExport'
    htmlContent: false
    htmlHyperlink: 'content'
    ignoreColumn: []
    ignoreRow: []
    jsonScope: 'all'
    jspdf: orientation: 'p'
           format: 'a4'
           margins: left: 20
                    right: 10
                    top: 10
                    bottom: 10
           onDocCreated: null
           autotable: styles: cellPadding: 2
                              rowHeight: 12
                              fontSize: 8
                              fillColor: 255
                              textColor: 50
                              fontStyle: 'normal'
                              overflow: 'ellipsize'
                              halign: 'inherit'
                              valign: 'middle'
                      headerStyles: fillColor: [52, 73, 94]
                                    textColor: 255
                                    fontStyle: 'bold'
                                    halign: 'inherit'
                                    valign: 'middle'
                      alternateRowStyles: fillColor: 245
                      tableExport: doc: null
                                   onAfterAutotable: null
                                   onBeforeAutotable: null
                                   onAutotableText: null
                                   onTable: null
                                   outputImages: true
    mso: fileFormat: 'xlshtml'
         onMsoNumberFormat: null
         pageFormat: 'a4'
         pageOrientation: 'portrait'
         rtl: false
         styles: []
         worksheetName: ''
         xslx: formatId: date: 14
                         numbers: 2
    numbers: html: decimalMark: '.'
                   thousandsSeparator: ','
             output: decimalMark: '.',
                     thousandsSeparator: ','
    onAfterSaveToFile: null
    onBeforeSaveToFile: null
    onCellData: null
    onCellHtmlData: null
    onCellHtmlHyperlink: null
    onIgnoreRow: null
    outputMode: 'file'
    pdfmake: enabled: false
             docDefinition: pageOrientation: 'portrait'
                            defaultStyle: font: 'Roboto'
             fonts: {}
    preserve: leadingWS: false
              trailingWS: false
    preventInjection: true
    sql: tableEnclosure:  '`'
         columnEnclosure: '`' 
    tbodySelector: 'tr'
    tfootSelector: 'tr'
    theadSelector: 'tr'
    tableName: 'myTableName'
    type: 'csv'
    * Indexes correspond to the position of the header elements `th` in the DOM starting at 0. (If the `th` elements are removed or added to the DOM, the indexes will be shifted so use the functionality wisely!)
    * Field names should correspond to the values set on the "data-field" attribute of the header elements `th` in the DOM.
    * "Nameless" columns without data-field attribute will be named by their index number (converted to a string)
    To disable formatting of numbers in the exported output, which can be useful for csv and excel format, set the option ``` numbers: output ``` to ``` false ```.
    Set the option ``` mso.fileFormat ``` to ``` 'xmlss' ``` if you want to export in XML Spreadsheet 2003 file format. Use this format if multiple tables should be exported into a single file. 
    Excel 2000 html format is the default excel file format which has better support of exporting table styles.
    The ``` mso.styles ``` option lets you define the css attributes of the original html table cells, that should be taken over when exporting to an excel worksheet (Excel 2000 html format only).
    To export in XSLX format [SheetJS/js-xlsx](https://github.com/SheetJS/js-xlsx) is used. Please note that the implementation of this format type lets you only export table data, but not any styling information of the html table.
    Note: There is an option ``` preventInjection ``` (default is enabled) that prevents formula injection when exporting in CSV or Excel format. To achieve that a single quote will be prepended to cell strings that start with =,+,- or @   
    For jspdf options see the documentation of [jsPDF](https://github.com/MrRio/jsPDF) and [jsPDF-AutoTable](https://github.com/simonbengtsson/jsPDF-AutoTable) resp.
    There is an extended setting for ``` jsPDF option 'format' ```. Setting the option value to ``` 'bestfit' ``` lets the tableExport plugin try to choose the minimum required paper format and orientation in which the table (or tables in multitable mode) completely fits without column adjustment.
    Also there is an extended setting for the ``` jsPDF-AutoTable options 'fillColor', 'textColor' and 'fontStyle'```. When setting these option values to ``` 'inherit' ``` the original css values for background and text color will be used as fill and text color while exporting to pdf. A css font-weight >= 700 results in a bold fontStyle and the italic css font-style will be used as italic fontStyle.
    When exporting to pdf the option ``` outputImages ``` lets you enable or disable the output of images that are located in the original html table.
    Optional html data attributes
    (can be applied while generating the table that you want to export)

    html ... -> An empty data value preserves format of cell content. E.g. no number seperator conversion

                                               More cell formats to be come...

    html ... -> Overwrites the colspan attribute of the table cell during export.

                                                         This attribute can be used if there follow hidden cells, that will be exported by using the "data-tableexport-display" attribute.


    -> A hidden table will be exported

    ... -> A hidden cell will be exported

    ... -> This cell will not be exported

    ... -> All cells of this row will not be exported


    html ... -> Data value will be used to style excel cells with mso-number-format (Excel 2000 html format only)

                                                      Format                      Description
                                                      "\@"                        Excel treats cell content always as text, even numbers
                                                      "0"                         Excel will display no decimals for numbers
                                                      "0\.000"                    Excel displays numbers with 3 decimals
                                                      "0%"                        Excel will display a number as percent with no decimals
                                                      "Percent"                   Excel will display a number as percent with 2 decimals
                                                      "\#\,\#\#0\.000"            Comma with 3 decimals
                                                      "mm\/dd\/yy"                Date7
                                                      "mmmm\ d\,\ yyyy"           Date9
                                                      "m\/d\/yy\ h\:mm\ AM\/PM"   D -T AMPM
                                                      "Short Date"                01/03/1998
                                                      "Medium Date"               01-mar-98
                                                      "d\-mmm\-yyyy"              01-mar-1998
                                                      "Short Time"                5:16
                                                      "Medium Time"               5:16 am
                                                      "Long Time"                 5:16:21:00
                                                      "0\.E+00"                   Scientific Notation
                                                      "\#\ ???\/???"              Fractions - up to 3 digits
                                                      "\0022£\0022\#\,\#\#0\.00"  £12.76
                                                      "\#\,\#\#0\.00_ \;\[Red\]\-\#\,\#\#0\.00\ "  2 decimals, negative red numbers

    html ... -> Overwrites the rowspan attribute of the table cell during export.

                                                         This attribute can be used if there follow hidden rows, that will be exported by using the "data-tableexport-display" attribute.

    html title -> "export title" instead of "title" will be exported

    content -> "export content" instead of "content" will be exported


    html ... -> The data value represents a format id that will be used to format the content of a cell in Excel. This data attribute overwrites the default setting of defaults.mso.xslx.formatId.

                                                   This attribute is for Excel 2007 Office Open XML format only.
                                                   Format id           Description
                                                   "1"                 0
                                                   "2"                 0.00
                                                   "3"                 #,##0
                                                   "4"                 #,##0.00
                                                   "9"                 0%
                                                   "10"                0.00%
                                                   "11"                0.00E+00
                                                   "12"                # ?/?
                                                   "13"                # ??/??
                                                   "14"                m/d/yy (will be localized by Excel)
                                                   "15"                d-mmm-yy
                                                   "16"                d-mmm
                                                   "17"                mmm-yy
                                                   "18"                h:mm AM/PM
                                                   "19"                h:mm:ss AM/PM
                                                   "20"                h:mm
                                                   "21"                h:mm:ss
                                                   "22"                m/d/yy h:mm
                                                   "37"                #,##0 ;(#,##0)
                                                   "38"                #,##0 ;[Red](#,##0)
                                                   "39"                #,##0.00;(#,##0.00)
                                                   "40"                #,##0.00;[Red](#,##0.00)
                                                   "45"                mm:ss
                                                   "46"                [h]:mm:ss
                                                   "47"                mmss.0
                                                   "48"                ##0.0E+0
                                                   "49"                @
                                                   "56"                上午/下午 hh時mm分ss秒
    Excel Notes
    When exporting in Excel 2000 html format (xlshtml) the default extension of the result file is XLS although the type of the file content is HTML. When you open a file in Microsoft Office Excel 2007 or later that contains content that does not match the files extension, you receive the following warning message:

    The file you are trying to open, 'name.ext', is in a different format than specified by the file extension. Verify that the file is not corrupted and is from a trusted source before opening the file. Do you want to open the file now?``` According to this Knowledge base article The warning message can help prevent unexpected problems that might occur because of possible incompatibility between the actual content of the file and the file name extension. The article also gives you some hints to disable the warning message.